Can a Tax Attorney Negotiate With the IRS?

If you are wondering if you can hire a tax attorney to represent you in a dispute with the IRS, then you should read this article. This article will explain why you should hire a tax attorney to represent you in a dispute. While a local lawyer may be cheaper, they may not have a solid relationship with the IRS and will be unable to make a strong case on your behalf. Additionally, they may have to spend countless hours on travel - time that you could be spending with your family!

An attorney is also more likely to be able to negotiate on your behalf. Tax laws are intricate and a tax attorney's skills are superior. A tax attorney will be able to negotiate effectively on your behalf during meetings and correspondence with the IRS on your behalf. And if the IRS won't accept your offer, an attorney will represent you in tax court. And that's just the start of how an attorney can help you get the money you're owed.

An attorney can also help you apply for a reduced payment plan. Often, the IRS will be willing to accept a lower payment if a taxpayer is willing to work with them. If your tax debt is larger than you can afford to pay, a tax attorney can work with the IRS to set up a repayment plan that meets your financial needs. While penalties can quickly drive up the total amount owed, an attorney can work to reduce or eliminate these fees.

The advantages of hiring a tax attorney over handling the IRS on your own are numerous. They have the knowledge and experience to negotiate a tax settlement or explore your options for tax forgiveness. Their expertise in tax law allows them to better understand the IRS' tactics and approach the IRS in a more efficient way. This is especially true for complicated tax settlements involving multiple parties. In addition to being knowledgeable, tax attorneys are also more likely to be able to resolve a tax issue without legal complications.

An offer to compromise (ATC) is a form of negotiation with the IRS that involves settling a debt in exchange for a lower amount than it would normally cost to pay. This option requires a financial statement to prove the inability of a taxpayer to pay back the amount owed. Once the IRS determines that the amount is too low, the negotiation process can take months. With a tax attorney by your side, you will have peace of mind knowing that your taxes are handled properly and you won't have to worry about a monthly payment plan.

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